What to eat
when camping

Camping and being off grid is fun, but it also comes with the challenge of preparing meals away from home. As an outdoor enthusiast, I’ve found that planning your meals ahead can greatly enhance the camping experience. Here’s my take on what to eat when camping, ensuring you have tasty and satisfying meals without too much of a hassle.

Outdoors, there is one rule you never ever can neglect: ‘simplicity is key’. AS Adventure uses this rule to create recipes to make mealtime on the road and whilst camping enjoyable instead of stressful. Their one-pot meals like chili or pasta dishes are great options that require minimal cleanup and cooking time. Not only are these meals hearty and filling, they also allow you to spend more time relaxing by the campfire and enjoying the moment.

A well-stocked camping pantry is essential for meal preparation. According to Fresh Off the Grid, having a selection of non-perishable items can make meal planning much easier. Essentials like canned beans, pasta, rice, and various spices can provide a solid base for countless dishes.

Snacks are another important consideration. Depending on the kind of activity your days in the outdoors consist of, energy bars or gels can keep your energy levels up. Fresh Off the Grid emphasizes that these sorts of snacks are important to avoid feeling sluggish during your outdoor activities.

Don’t forget about breakfast! Starting the day with a nutritious meal can set the tone for your day. As highlighted by Taste.com, easy breakfast options like oatmeal or granola can be prepared quickly and provide the energy needed for a day of hiking or other activity. Bringing along some fresh fruit can also add a refreshing touch to your morning routine.

In conclusion, what you eat when camping doesn’t have to be complicated. By planning ahead you can focus on healthy and nutritious meals to ensure you have plenty of energy during your crazy adventures.


● AS Adventure. (n.d.). Koken op de camping: makkelijke kampeergerechten. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://www.asadventure.com/nl/expertise-tips/camping/koken-op-de-camping-makkelijke-kampeergerechten.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ASA-BENL-PERF-ONG-NB-TXT-ALL&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmt24BhDPARIsAJFYKk3y0Srw18L4smp2PAMBeh6r6nzCEiAOVeFOaZAliwGDPd5k9XHSL5EaArtyEALw_wcB

● Fresh Off the Grid. (n.d.). Camping pantry. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://www.freshoffthegrid.com/camping-pantry/

● Taste.com.au. (n.d.). Camping food ideas. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://www.taste.com.au/galleries/camping-food-ideas/vf1m7qxl?nk=90cc96b6c91b2560493d772c828b752c-1729622719
Author: Jonas
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